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So many needs...

So little help    

Sitting here in my office, it's still hard to believe there are millions of children all over the world who are hungry. The World Health Organization says that 5.6 million children die before they reach the age of five. Think about it, 15,000 children die each and every day. And, in Africa the risk of children dying is 8 times higher than in Europe. UNICEF says that 2% of the worlds population are orphans, that's 153,000,000. In Africa, that number is much higher, 17% or 50 million orphans. The AIDS epidemic has disseminated almost an entire generation and the children that are left are being cared after by orphanages, churches and caring individuals. The unlucky ones are forced to live like this. 


suggests that there are some

230 million children under 5 who

have never been recorded. 

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The Illustrated African Orphans Cookbook

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