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Children in Togo, West Africa eat fufu. FUFU is boiled root of the cassava tree, pounded into a mush. Orphans get one meal a day. Occasionally other foods will be added to the Fufu but that is rare because the orphanages don't have the funds to buy additional food. 

In Uganda, the children eat Posho. Posho is corn flour boiled into a paste, much like putty. When available and when the orphanage can afford to buy them, beans are added to the Posho. For special meals like Christmas and Thanksgiving, a quarter of a chicken thigh is added.

Clean water is a problem throughout Africa. Most villages do not have access to clean water. The water that is available is usually polluted and the women and female children have to walk to get it in plastic containers. In many locations, they walk up to 5 miles each way to bring water to their families.

It is important to say that the children in the orphanages are the lucky ones. In addition to food and water, they have to deal with inadequate sanitation and often poor quality education as well as lack of employment. The UNLUCKY orphans live in or near garbage dumps where they scavenge for food competing with dogs and rodents just to stay alive.


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Most orphan children live in what is called "Generational Poverty". What does that mean? The orphans live in villages that haven't changed in many generations. Their parents, grand parents, great grand parents, and so on, have lived much as they do today. So, there is no for-see-able future for any of the kids. Clean water and nourishing food is necessary for the first step out of Generational Poverty. You can help break the cycle. 

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The Illustrated African Orphans Cookbook

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